Tuesday, April 19, 2016

. What is HTML,CSS &HTML tag?

                     Hi, viewers today I'll show you  What is HTML&HTML tag? 
It's very easy process, just keep your eyes on my tutorial and you will do it.
About HTML
1. What is HTML ?
HTML is a Markup Language. It is used for creating
Web pages that can be displayed in web browser.
HTML stands for “Hyper Text Markup Language.”

2.What is tag ?
Tag is one kind of letter of HTML. HTML documents
 are described by HTML tags HTML tags are written
 inside two angle brackets. Such as: <>

3.How many kinds of tag ?
There are two kinds of tag: They are:
(1)Single tag,
(2)Double tag
Double tags are two kinds: i) Starting tag : < >
         ii) Closing tag: </>
Text must be written between two tags. Such as:
<> text </> In double tag slash(/) is used before tag
 name but in single tag slash(/) is used after tag name.
Such as, Double tag: <html> </html>Single tag:
 <img src="images"/>

HTML Documents:
All HTML documents must start with a type declaration: <!DOCTYPE html>.
The HTML document itself begins with <html> and ends with </html>.
The visible part of the HTML document is between <body> and </body>.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>This the first html website</title>
<h1>My First Heading</h1>
<h2>My Second Heading</h3>
<h3>My Third Heading</h1>
<h4>My Fourth Heading</h4>
<h5>My Fifth Heading</h5>
<h6>My Sixth Heading</h6>

About CSS

What is CSS ?
The full name of CSS is : Cascading Style Sheet.
CSS is used to decorate HTML content.
We can represent html document in various style,
so it is called style sheet.

Classification of CSS: There are three types of CSS. They are:
1.Inline  CSS
2.Internal CSS
3.External CSS
Inline CSS:
It is used in a line of a html document.
Internal CSS:
It is used in head portion of a html document.
External CSS:
This type of CSS is made in an external page but
 it is used in head portion of a html document by using a link.
CSS Identifier/ Selectors: There are three types of Selectors.
1.Tag Selector
2.Class Selector
3.Id Selector

So viewers thanks for watching my mega special tutorial, I think it will be great support to you. Please again visit My blog, Wemcole

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