Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Google first page of the site to (SEO)search engine optimization tips

  • Hi, viewers today I'll show you how to Google's first page of the site to search engine optimization tips. It's not very easy process, just keep your eyes on my tutorial and you will do it.

    The sum of the number of search engine optimization steps. In other words, The first page of a web page to a search engine, you will be a lot of steps. Because SEO is an ongoing process. Today I will discuss some important aspects of search engine optimization. So, if you make a mistake you will see the mistakes of the amnesty will deliver.

    A site on the first page of search engines to bring the domain name plays an important role. A good domain name can easily bring your site on the first page. Therefore, with respect to the domain name of the site, select keywords and It is easy to think that both search engines and visitors. Google adword tools can assist in the selection of the domain name.

    How many letters are keywords or phrases. For example; If you need to download e-books in Bengali, when we Google "Bengali e-book 'Bengali e-book download:" This search will write down some words. Here's our search, Bengali e-book 'Bengali e-book download: "The words are the keywords. On the basis of keywords that the search engine ranking of a site. In the first pages of search engines to the site, you first need to research keywords. Basically, on the basis of specific keywords on the first page of search engines the web page is brought.

    Off-page SEO Backlinks is a very important part. The first pages of the search engines which pages are most important role in bringing backlinks. Even a website to increase page rank backlink greatest role. So, as far as possible the importance of quality backlinks.

    Page loading time of a website in search engine attaches great importance. In this case, the site is designed to keep the light at the time of the site. So the pages load faster. Do not use additional pages JavaScript. Then, the page load time increases. On the other hand, search engines can not access JavaScript in the hyperlinks.

    This does not, many seriously. Yet, website security is important for the search engines. In this case, always use a good quality web hosting. On the one hand, while on your websites will be safe and will be good for your site's ranking in search engines.

    A visitor to the site is ranking on the search engine site. What time visitors spend on the site that the search engines are looking for. In this case, keep on good quality content on your site so that visitors spend a long time.

    Thanks guys. Please again visit my blog. Welcome.

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